Securing Your Internet of Things

Some of you may have seen or heard about the Ohio family that had their Internet connected baby monitor hacked. If you have not read the story, you can read it here ( With 3 small children at home, this story struck a nerve with me. I frustrate my wife to no end with the security I set on the tech in our home, but that doesn’t always mean I maintain that security the way I should. This story however drives home the point that not being diligent in securing your home technology could leave you exposed.

Here are some tips to help you keep your internet connected devices and accounts at home more secure. First make sure you change the password on any new device you connect to your home network or WiFi. This includes your router, internet cameras, computers, and anything else you connect. Make sure when you set up your WiFi you secure it using a long, strong password. When you get a new device, check with the manufacturer to see if there are any updates available to download and then continue to check regularly to make sure your hardware is patched and secure. If your hardware manufacturer does not update their products, it might be a good idea to find another product. You could also write to the manufacturer or find them on social media and insist they provide at least security updates for the products they sell. Finally, change your passwords on your devices and accounts regularly and don’t use the same password on all of your devices and accounts.

It is important to be proactive in securing your home network. The hacker in the story I shared was more of an annoyance than anything else, but just like they mention in the story any device on your home network that an attacker can access is a place from which an attacker can stage more attacks from. Remember, similar plans should be in place at your office to make sure your equipment is patched regularly and that the passwords are changed to help prevent an attack.

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